LAWHA CAA Panel: Artist Associations and Professionalizing the Arts
In-Person, Wednesday 14 February, 16:30-18:00, Hilton Chicago – Lower Level – Salon C-1
Affiliated Society or Committee Name: Association of Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Iran and Turkey
Chair: Nadia von Maltzahn
This session aims to analyze the role of artist associations in the professionalization of the arts in a comparative manner, in particular in contexts where artists were only just starting to organize themselves in a collective manner, including but not limited to postcolonial nations. The aim is to look at case studies of specific artist associations and unions, and to examine what brought them about, how they were organized, what missions they pursued, and what impact they had on the art worlds in which they operated. The relationship of these associations to state institutions such as ministries and art schools is also of interest. Of particular concern are case studies of countries that were in the process of nation-building at the time. By approaching the subject comparatively, it is hoped to determine to what extent associational groups operated under the same imperatives, what shared and specific challenges they faced, and what motivated them. It will become clear in what ways these associations, unions and collectives responded to particular contexts and what joint concerns they shared. Did they serve a nominal function, or did they act as a driving force in changing the working conditions of artists? And has this evolved over time? Ultimately, their role in institutionalizing the arts will be assessed.
Artist associations in postcolonial Algeria: The Case of the National Union of Plastic Artists (UNAP) in Shaping Algerian Modern Art by Lydia Haddag (Université Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne)
A Tenth Street Artist Co-op of the ‘50s and ‘60s in New York City: Alice Forman and the Camino Gallery by Marsha McCoy (Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX)
DIS-GCC: A “collective reticular constellation” in contemporary art vault’s of heaven by Joan Grandjean (University of Geneva)
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Nadia von Maltzahn (January 29, 2024). LAWHA CAA Panel: Artist Associations and Professionalizing the Arts. LAWHA Lebanon's Art World at Home and Abroad. Retrieved September 19, 2024 from